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Tuition And Fees

Bursar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 118, Telephone: 718-631-6265

Registration and Tuition

All tuition and fee schedules are necessarily subject to change without notice, at any time, upon action by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York, regardless of tuition and fee schedules in effect at the time of registration.

All students should note the regulations stated below regarding tuition and fees. For further information, see section on Financial Services.

  • In planning to register for courses, students should be prepared to pay all tuition and fees associated with registration at the time they register. Failure to make full payment at registration will result in a nonpayment service fee and may result in the cancellation of courses. Students should be prepared to pay all of the following:

  1. Student Fees

  2. Tuition

  3. All Non-Instructional or Special Fees, including field trip or other supply charges in courses where such charges are assessed (Note: Students remain liable for fees and special charges even if they withdraw from the College.)

  • In the event of any increase in fees or tuition charges, any payments already made to the College are treated as a partial payment and notification will be given of the additional amount due and the time and method for payment.

  • Students whose accounts are in arrears will not be

  1. granted grades or degrees

  2. permitted to register for a subsequent semester,


  3. issued a transcript of record

  • Continuing Education courses and programs carry special tuition and fees. See the Continuing Education bulletins and announcements issued each semester for detailed information.

If you do not make full payment on your tuition and fees and other college bills and your account is sent to a collection agency, you will be responsible for all collection costs, including agency fees, attorney fees and court costs, in addition to what- ever amount you owe the college.

In addition, non-payment or a default judgment against your account may be reported to a credit bureau and reflected in your credit report.

Definition of a Full-Time Student

For purposes of determining tuition only, matriculated degree and certificate students are considered full-time if they are registered for at least 12 credits per semester (or a combination of credits plus equated credits totaling 12 per semester).

Credit Load

Students who plan to register for more than 18 credits and/or equated credits must obtain permission from a counselor or faculty adviser prior to the registration period.

Students on probation may not register for more than 13 credits and/or equated credits.

Summer Session students who plan to register for more than 8 credits and/or equated credits must obtain permission from a counselor or faculty adviser.

Residence and Tuition

Residents of both New York City and New York State pay the reduced tuition rates listed in the Tuition and Fees section of this catalog. To qualify for these rates, students must show proof that they have resided in the City of New York or the State of New York for at least 12 months preceding the date of their first attendance at Queensborough. Out-of-City New York State residents are required to show a Certificate of Residence, which is available at their local county offices (see next page).

Students living outside of New York State and international students pay a higher tuition rate.



a.    Full-time matriculated students
(students taking 12 or more credits or equated credits)
per semester gh.................................................................................. $2,400.00

b.   Part-time matriculated students
(students taking less than 12 credits or equated credits)
per credit or equated credit .............................................. $210.00

c.    Non-degree (nonmatriculated) students
(regardless of number of credits or equated credits)
per credit or equated credit .............................................. $265.00 

  1. New York City Residence Requirement

For purposes of determining resident tuition fee eligibility, students must have lived in New York State during the past year and must have had their principal place of residence in the City of New York for a period of six consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the semester with respect to which residency determination is made. They must also state their intention to maintain their principal place of residence in New York City permanently.

You may qualify for the NYC rate! You’ll need to obtain a Certificate of Residence from your county Treasurer’s Office or Department of Finance to qualify. After you’ve obtained your certificate, please bring the original hard copy to any window at the Office of the Bursar and our staff will help you.

  • Your Certificate of Residence is valid for one Academic Year.

  • You’ve got 90 days to apply for a Certificate of Residence: 60 days before the start and 30 days after the start of the semester.

  • If you submit your Certificate of Residence for the spring or summer of any academic year and want to continue classes in the fall, you MUST submit a new Certificate of Residence for the fall because it’s the start of a new academic year.

  • If you submit your Certificate of Residence for the fall semester, your Certificate of Residence will be valid for that fall, spring and summer as they are all part of one continuous academic year. 

Nassau County

  • Your Certificate of Residence is valid for one calendar year.

  • If you’re a new student, identify the semester you plan on attending.

  • You’ve got 60 days before the start of the semester, and 30 days after the start of the semester to apply for a Certificate of Residence!

  • If you don’t use the certificate for the semester for which it was obtained, it becomes invalid and you’ll need to apply for a new certificate.

  • If you’re a returning student and you’ve already submitted a Certificate of Residence, your certificate is good for one calendar year. You can apply for a new certificate one month before your current certificate expires

  1. Military, Veterans and their Dependents Residency Status

    a. Veterans

    Effective June 1, 2015, individuals who are eligible for educational assistance under federal GI bills will be charged the in-city- rate at the CUNY community colleges. This includes individuals who served in active military, naval or air service and members of the National Guard and reservists who meet the requirements for benefits under federal GI bills. A veteran who meets the above eligibility criteria is entitled to the in-state or in-city rate even if he or she is not actually receiving benefits under a federal GI bill.

    In order to prove veteran status, a student must provide U.S. Department of Defense Form DD214 or a Certificate of Eligibility from the U.S. Department of Defense or the Veterans Administration.

    b. Family Members of Certain Uniformed Service Members In certain cases, spouses and dependents of veterans or other uniformed service members are also entitled to educational assistance under federal GI bills. Effective June 1, 2015, spouses and dependents who are eligible for educational assistance under federal GI bills are also entitled to the in-state or in-city rate. Generally, these are the spouses or dependents of service members who died or were disabled by their service, or to whom the veteran has transferred his/her veterans educational benefits.

    In order to prove status as a child or spouse of veteran, the child or spouse must provide a Certificate of Eligibility from the U.S. Department of Defense or the Veterans Administration.

    c.   Service Members and Family Members Stationed in New York

    Members of the armed forces of the United States on a full- time active duty station in the State of New York, and their spouses and dependent children, who enroll at a CUNY college, shall be charged the in-state tuition rate. Such students shall continue to be charged the in-state rate at CUNY even if they are subsequently discharged from military service.

    d.  VA Pending Payment Policy

    In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not:

    • Prevent nor delay the student’s enrollment

    • Assess a late penalty fee to the student

    • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding

    • Deny the student access to any resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution, including but not limited to access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities

    However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

    • Produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class

    • Provide written request to be certified

    • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies

  2. Non-Citizen Permanent Residents and Refugees

    Non-Citizen Permanent Residents and Refugees who meet the above requirements are eligible for the New York City resident tuition rates. These students must show their Permanent Resident Cards (green cards) or visas at registration.

B. Out-Of-State Residents (Including International Students and Out-Of-City Students Without Certificates Of Residence)

a. Full-time matriculated students
(students taking 12 or more credits or equated credits)
per credit or equated credit .............................................. $320.00

b.   Part-time matriculated students
(students taking less than 12 credits or equated credits)
per credit or equated credit .............................................. $320.00

c.    Non-degree (nonmatriculated students)
(regardless of number of credits or equated credits)
per credit or equated credit .............................................. $420.00

Special University Fees

Required of all students, including senior citizens. This fee is nonrefundable.

Registration fee per semester or session ....................... $65.00 New York City residents 60 years of age and over may enroll in undergraduate credit-bearing courses on a space-available basis during open registration for a registration fee of $65.00 per semester. Although tuition fees and the regular student fee are waived, penalty fees and other special charges a course may carry are applicable. Out-of-City New York State residents must present a valid Certificate of Residence (see left column).
The Senior Citizen Registration fee, like all other fees, is nonrefundable.

Student Fees

Each student must pay a Student Activity Fee according to the schedule outlined below. The Student Fee is not refundable in whole or in part and must be paid in addition to tuition and other fees and charges. The Student Activity Fee is determined as follows:

a. Full-time Students* per semester ................................... $62.85
b. Part-time Students* per semester................................... $27.03
c. Summer Session per session............................................... $16.83 

NOTE ON STUDENT FEE: Students who originally register for 12 or more cred- its, or a combination of credits plus noncredit remedial hours or credit equivalents, and subsequently reduce their load to less than 12, are still subject to the full-time Student Activity Fee charge and will not be refunded any part of that fee. Students who initially register for less than 12 credits, or a combination of credits plus equated credits or credit equivalents, and then through subsequent additions carry 12 or more credits, or a combination of credits plus equated credits or credit equivalents, are subject to the full-time Student Activity Fee.

* Full-time and part-time day students who wish a refund of the PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) consumer assistance fee portion included in their student fees may apply to the NYPIRG office on campus in the Student Union Building

Other Student Fees

The following fees are nonrefundable.

Senate fee:
Full-time students per semester.......................................... $1.45
Part-time students per semester......................................... $1.45
Summer Session per session................................................. $1.45

Technology fee:
Full-time students per semester.......................................... $125.00
Part-time students per semester ......................................... $62.50

Application fee:
New Freshmen Students............................................................ $65.00
Transfer   Students......................................................................... $70.00
New  non-degree  Students....................................................... $65.00
Late registration ............................................................................ $25.00
Change of program ....................................................................... $18.00
Late  payment  fee ........................................................................ $15.00
Special examination—first examination.............................. $25.00
(each additional examination: $5.00; maximum: not to exceed $45 per semester)
Transcript (per transcript) ...................................................... $7.00

Payment for transcripts must be by money order or bank check. Transcripts to units of The City University of New York are free.

Reinstatement.................................................................................   $15.00
Readmission.....................................................................................  $20.00
Payment reprocessing (bad check) ................................... $20.00 Duplicate Diploma....................................................................... $30.00
Duplicate CUNYCard (I.D. Card) ....................................... $10.00
Lab & Locker Breakage.............................................................. $25.00 or cost
Continuing Education .............................................................. as stated in Continuing Education Bulletins

NOTE: Senior citizens pay all non-instructional fees, except the application fee.

Special Supplies and Service Charges

The following courses each require a nonrefundable special sup- plies or service charge. All special supplies and service charges are subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of The City University.

ARTS-186............................................................................................     $50.00
ARTS-286...........................................................................................       $20.00 

CH-102, CH-104, CH-111, CH-121, CH-127, CH-151, CH-152............................................................... $12.00
CH-128,  CH-251,  CH-252............................................................ $30.00 

ET-110 .................................................................................................... $35.00
ET-210  ...................................................................................................  $25.00
ET-230  ..................................................................................................  $35.00
ET-410...................................................................................................    $55.00
ET-420   .................................................................................................  $55.00
ET-504  .................................................................................................  $15.00
ET-540  .................................................................................................   $35.00
ET-560   .................................................................................................   $60.00
ET-704..................................................................................................    $15.00
MT-122  .................................................................................................. $15.00 

HE-101, HE-102, HE-103, HE-104, HE-105, HE-106, HE-107, HE-108,
HE-109, HE-110, HE-111.................................................................. $5.00
HE-200, HE-201............................................................................... $50.00
PE-520,PE-521,  PE-522,  PE-543.......................................... $5.00 

NU-101, NU-102, NU-201, NU-202 ........................................ $191.00

NOTE: Senior citizens pay all special supplies and service charges applicable to a course.

Estimated Student Costs

In addition to tuition and fees, students should be prepared for other expenses, including:

1.   Books and supplies (must be purchased at beginning
of the semester) ....................................................................... $650-$750
2.    Transportation.......................................................................... $600
3.     Lunch..............................................................................................  $500

Other expenses to consider include housing, child care and personal expenses

Payment Policy

Registration is not complete until the Bursar has received full payment for all tuition and fees.

  • Students who have not paid their total tuition and fees by the payment deadline are conditionally registered. These students may have their classes cancelled before the start of the term or incur a late payment fee.

  • Payments by check or money order can be made at the Bursar Office.

  • Payments, other than cash, my be mailed to:

    Office of the Bursar, A-118

    Queensborough Community College/CUNY 222-05 56th Avenue

    Bayside, New York 11364-1497

  • Payments can be made via electronic check. E-check electronically debits a checking or savings account. To pay by e-check, students need to access their CUNYfirst account. Students are required to enter their bank account and bank routing numbers. There is no convenience fee associated with this payment option. Payments can also be made electronically via credit/debit card. To pay by credit/debit card, students need to access their CUNYFirst account. There is a 2.65% service fee added to these payment transactions.

  • Agency sponsored students who do not present proof of sponsorship (authorization) prior to or at registration will be required to pay all applicable fees and tuition. Only original documents will be accepted. Photocopies or facsimile copies are not acceptable.

  • Tuition Payment Plan – NELNET This monthly payment plan offers you the opportunity to spread out your payments, interest free, over 6 monthly installments. QCC students are eligible to enroll for an interest free monthly plan for tuition and fees for an enrollment fee of $25 per semester. To enroll, log into CUNYFIRST Self-Service, go to your Student Center and go to Finances.

Change of Program and Withdrawal  Regulations 

A fee of $18.00 will be charged each time a program change is made after registration is completed. The $18.00 charge will cover one or more changes made at the same time.

A.   The Following Actions Initiated By The Student Require Program Change Fees:

  1. Addition of a course or courses

  2. Changing from one course to another

  3. Changing from one section of a course to another section of the same course

  4. Dropping a course and adding a course 

Students who use the SWAP feature to replace one class with another for equal credit need to complete the replacement class to avoid withdrawal penalties for the original class dropped.

B.  Waiver of Change Of Program Fee

The change of program fee is not applicable when:

  1. The College cancels or withdraws a course, whether or not the student substitutes another course.

  2. The College changes the hours of the course, or makes other substantive changes that provide the student justification for a change.

  3. The College requests the student to transfer from one section to another section of the same course.

  4. The College cancels the registration of the student for academic or disciplinary reasons.

  5. The student withdraws from school completely after completion of registration and has actually paid the student fee and/or the necessary special charges.

  6. The student drops a course without replacement.

Refund Policy

To obtain a 100 percent refund, a student must drop all their courses before the first day of classes. A student can drop all class- es using his/her CUNYfirst account or in person at the Registrar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 104.

  • Tuition and fees will be refunded 100 percent for those courses which at any time are cancelled by the College.

  • Student activity fees are refunded only in cases where the student’s registration is cancelled because of withdrawal  of courses before the start of the term. Activity fees are not refundable after the start of the term.

  • The application fee, non-instructional fees, and all other fees and special supplies or service charges are not refundable.

  • Students who do not officially withdraw and do not attend classes will still be responsible for paying tuition and fees.

Tuition refunds for courses dropped by a student, after a written application for withdrawal has been approved, are made as follows:

Other Than Summer Session

Withdrawal from a course before the first scheduled opening date of classes.......................... 100%
Withdrawal from a course in order to register at another unit of The City University during that semester ........................................ 100%
Withdrawal during the first week of the semester .............................................................................. 75%

Withdrawal during the second week of the semester  .............................................................................. 50%
Withdrawal during the third week of the semester .............................................................................. 25%
Withdrawal after completion of the third week of the semester ............................................ none

Summer Session

Withdrawal from a course before the first scheduled opening date of classes.......................... 100%
Withdrawal after 10% or less of class passed ............................................................................... 50%
Withdrawal after 10% to 20% of class passed ................................................................................ 25%
Withdrawal after 20% of class passed ............................. none 

The date on which the student withdraws through CUNYfirst determines the amount of the refund. Please note that non- attendance in a course does not justify a refund.

Refunds For Military Service

Any refund request for Military, Peace Corps or VISTA service must be documented in order to process it. In the case of the Military, a copy of induction or military orders is required.

In order to obtain a grade, a student must attend approximately 13 weeks (5 weeks for Summer Session). The decision regarding eligibility for a grade is made by the faculty. No refund will be made to a student who has been assigned an earned grade, regardless of whether the grade is passing or failing.

In instances where students who are drafted into the Military or are recalled to active duty do not attend for a sufficient time to qualify for a grade, there shall be a 100% refund of tuition and all other fees except application fees.

In instances where students who have enlisted in the Military, the Peace Corps, or VISTA do not attend for a sufficient time to qualify for a grade but continue in attendance within two weeks of induction, refund of tuition and all other fees except application fees will be made in accordance with the following principles:

  • Withdrawals before the beginning of the 5th calendar week (3rd calendar week for Summer Session) after scheduled opening date of session – 100% refund

  • Withdrawal grades thereafter- 50% refund

Courses with Remedial Contact Hours or Credit Equivalents

For purposes of determining full-time or part-time tuition charges (QCC Tuition) and financial aid (TAP, Federal Financial Aid) eligibility, the sum of regular course credits or equated credits in remedial courses and certain specified credit courses is determined from the following:

Developmental Course


Progress Units
















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