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CUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP)

Y-2  Building, Room 2
CLIP Website

Dr. Maz Nikoui, Director
Monica Sweeney de Gonzalez, Assistant Director

CLIP is a full-time, low-cost English as a Second Language (ESL) program (25 hours a week) for students who have low proficiency in English for placement into college level courses. The purpose of attending CLIP is to bring students’ language proficiency up to the level needed to successfully progress at QCC.

In contrast to traditional ESL instruction, in CLIP, English is taught through a sustained content-based approach revolving around an academic theme (e.g., How literature of a given time period reflects issues from women’s history or separating fact from fiction in memoir writing.) Themes are based on college subjects, such as science, history or literature. Students develop their English skills through an exploration of one of these academic themes. In this way, students not only get intensive exposure to academic English but also develop their critical thinking skills, which are necessary for successful college study. In addition, students are provided with college knowledge: study skills, time management skills, test-taking strategies and computer skills. Students in CLIP are also given an orientation to Queensborough and how the campus works. 

The following categories of students are eligible to attend CLIP:

  • Entering freshmen who have been accepted by any CUNY college.

  • Freshmen who have not completed more than one or two semesters at any CUNY college and who have failed the same ESL course one or more times.

  • Students who have been academically dismissed from a senior college in CUNY due to failing the same ESL course twice

Generally, students remain in the program for a maximum of one year.