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Academic Computing Center (ACC)

Library  Building,  Room  117
Phone: 718-631-6624
ACC Website

Mark Chropufka, Director

The Academic Computing Center (ACC) provides technology support to faculty and staff, offers several computing labs and hosts the college’s second data center, providing software for students and web services to the campus community. The ACC provides technical consulting with equipment specification, purchasing assistance, software support and offers podium training workshops for faculty and staff. Within the Center, two multimedia classrooms support college workshops and provide venues for faculty to incorporate various educational technologies into their classes. Moreover, the department features two centrally located, student computer labs with Windows and MacOS computers, broadband internet access, industry standard software applications, and web-based printing. The Department of Media Services, under the auspices of the ACC, provides audio-visual equipment setup and support for campus special events and various classroom presentations.

The ACC supports several instructional computer labs throughout the campus community and oversees the installation andoperation of 140 instructional podia throughout the campus. These podia systems provide a computer, Blu-Ray or DVD player, projector, integrated audio, and a touch panel control system. For more information please visit our web page and for any assistance, please contact us at